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Pearl 24
All things move in circles,
Like the seasons of the year.
Winter yields to spring,
Spring gives way to summer,
Summer resigns, and then the autumn,
Then comes the snow again.
All things move in circles,
Through the halls of endless time.
Causing day to yield to night,
And night to yield to day.
Causing that life should lead to death,
And death should bring new life.
All things move in circles,
Flowing in, then gently out;
Rising up then falling down,
All things passing, to come again
Through gentle undulations.
Bound together through the rhythms,
To make of many -
For in the circle where all things move
Do opposites meet face to face.
Thus in the dawn and in the dusk,
Do light and darkness meet,
And there but soft embrace,
To give to each a gentle kiss,
And then again they part.
To place inside, that tender ache,
Within each other’s heart.
Man and woman become the circle,
Where each are made complete.
Bound by love within the fires,
To dance within the flames.
Enflamed within by deep desires,
To fill each other’s needs.