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Pearl 7
In the gardens of the soul does the Master speak, saying:
“I am eternal,
Being in my truer self
Unseen but always present,
Unfelt but always there,
Untouched but always seeking
To touch the lives of those I love,
To fill them up with light.
I am eternal,
Drawn from the womb of endless time,
Immutable and immortal
And made to last forever;
Beyond the dreams of God,
Beyond the hopes of Man,
Filled with endless wonder.
I am eternal,
Endless and filled with hope,
Dwelling in all and through all,
Graced within by holy expectations,
To live the song of God,
Embracing midst tender passions,
The hopes of all creation.
I am eternal,
Dwelling beyond the things which are,
Beyond the things which bind,
Partaking well the things of spirit
To dwell within the light,
Finding within, the gates of Heaven,
Leading on from less to greater.
I am eternal,
Empowered by faith and made most constant,
Emboldened and enlivened and made to dance
Within the heart of God;
Becoming myself as one eternal,
Everlasting and infinite;
An endless soul with endless mind,
Born of God to dwell in love – forever.”