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Chapter 25
Becoming a God or Goddess – Creation of spirit children – Preparing the spirit children
– Taken to the Keep – “Unto the earth is no evil given” – Spirit children go down
to the earth – Everything first created spiritually – Mother Earth and evolutionary
man – The way of righteousness – The Teacher commanded to write and teach – Persecutions
arise against the Teacher
1 “Thus shall the glory of both husband and wife be, for they shall dwell in the bosom of eternity and as both God and Goddess, bring forth unto themselves an abundance of joy.
2 For by the Father and Mother of their souls, even the Arch-Angels, shall both husband and wife be made to stand beside the rivers of intelligence.
3 And the Father shall take the son, who shall be even as Emmanuel in the beginning, and the Mother shall take also the daughter, who shall be like unto Sophiel before the world was, and together shall they be brought forth into the midst of great light.
4 And there shall both husband and wife cleave one unto the other in love exceeding, and the light of God’s glory shall flow in unto the Souls of the Just Made Perfect, and as they enter one the other, there shall spring forth from the bosom of their glory, a multitude of spirits, both male and female.
5 And unto every spirit that is made to come forth from the bosom of both husband and wife shall be granted a portion of God, even the Father and Mother; for such are the Souls of the Just Made Perfect.
6 Therefore, unto every male spirit who is made in the image of his Father is granted a portion of the Mother also; and unto every female spirit who is made in the image of her Mother is granted a portion of the Father.
7 Thus is a way prepared wherein the spirit children of God might receive unto themselves the promise of exaltation beside the throne of their Father and Mother who are made to dwell in the greatest glory of all.
8 But consider how that among all the spirit children who are made to spring forth from the bosom of God, there is no knowledge given, neither do they possess unto themselves any means whereby they might attain unto a fullness of joy.
9 Therefore, seeing that the spirit children of God are made in the image of God, yet were they without the likeness of his glory.
10 So was it expedient to send them forth into the Keep whereby they might come to a knowledge of Heaven’s glory, that in their bosom might spring forth a desire to become in the likeness of both Father and Mother.
11 Now there was prepared near unto the kingdom of God, an earth of exceeding great beauty, and unto this Paradise are the spirit children of God made to dwell; that they might be brought to a remembrance of the good when they should be sent forth to dwell in the furnace of mortality.
12 So were the spirits of all God’s children made to dwell in the Keep, and they did come to a knowledge of the glory to be found in the kingdom of their Father and Mother, both Emmanuel and Sophiel, even God.
13 For there is made to dwell in the Paradise of the Keep, a host of ministering angels, and they do teach unto the spirits of all men, a multitude of knowledge concerning the kingdom of God, that in the days of their probation when they are sent forth to dwell in the furnace of mortality, they might possess unto themselves a fount of great wisdom.
14 Consider now this great mystery, for unto the earth is no evil given except as the children of men shall perceive; for that evil which men perceive through their natural senses is but the living of mortality.
15 Thus with God are present both the higher creations, where the Gods alone are made to rule, and the lower creations of all the stars and galaxies which you are made to see in the night.
16 Now seeing that the spirit children of God are brought to a knowledge concerning the ways of Heaven wherein there is made to dwell a multitude of perfection, it became expedient to send them forth into mortality that they might choose the greater over the lesser part.
17 Thus, when the spirit children of God are sent unto the earth to attain for themselves that glory unto which they are able, they are made subject unto the life of the lower world; for in the lower creation unto which they are sent are the laws of nature made to rule.
18 And if it so be that a man shall judge a thing to be of good report, then such he does by way of recollection: For the spirit which is made to dwell within him has had elsewhere its beginning and cometh from afar.
19 Likewise, that thing which is judged to be evil is made so by way of comparison. For in the kingdom of Heaven is there made to dwell great holiness. Therefore, that which men perceive as evil is but the choosing of the lesser portion.
20 So are the spirit children of God sent forth into mortality, that in this lower creation they might know the opposite of the glory of God, which knowledge is granted by the living of this lower life.
21 But in this are the spirit children of God not left desolate, for unto each is given a knowledge of the holiness of both Father and Mother who await the rising up of many children unto that glory of which they are able.
22 Now seeing that it was needful for the spirit children of God to dwell in mortality, it was needful to send them forth away from the kingdom of God that they might come to a knowledge of good and evil.
23 So was there organized for their benefit, an earth of exceeding beauty which was placed for a time in the lower creations of God.
24 Now everything which is created physically is first created spiritually. Therefore, even unto this earth upon which you stand is there given forth a spirit, and even as the children of men shall desire to ascend again unto God, even so does the earth seek to ascend unto the mother of its spirit, that it might also dwell in the bosom of eternity.
25 Now consider the mysteries of creation, for there is in the Celestial Kingdom of God seven suns which move round about the other. And unto each sun are found many earths filled with an abundance of glory.
26 Seeing then that everything which is physical is made first spiritually, even so is it for these worlds whereupon many Gods dwell. And even as the Father of All seeks to enlarge the borders of his glory, even so does the world over which he presides.
27 Therefore, this exalted world did take seed unto itself to bring forth another like unto itself, and seeing that this new earth spirit is innocent, having no knowledge of good and evil, it was expedient to send it forth unto the lower creations, that it might possess unto itself a physical tabernacle.
28 Now in the beginning did the Father and Mother of all the children of men create this earth upon which you stand, yet it had no life upon it. So God prepared a meteor which carried within it the very seed of life, and unto the earth was it sent, that all things might be brought forth in the season thereof.
29 Now as the womb is made to take unto itself the seed of life, even so did the earth take seed from God, and throughout all the dispensations of time did life take root, even until it covered the face of all the land and the waters of the great deep.
30 Thus were there brought forth throughout the progression of each, the fish of the sea and the animals of the earth, and there flew throughout the airs above the earth a variety of birds.
31 Yet notwithstanding all these things, the spirit of the earth desired to take unto herself a portion of the mind of God, that she might be exalted in the day of visitation.
32 For this cause did the earth bring forth evolutionary man that it might possess unto itself the children of men which were brought forth in the image of God; yet were they without his likeness, for they possessed not the spirit of his wisdom.
33 But God beheld the natural man and was pleased, for they possessed a similitude of his image. Wherefore unto these did God take thought, for he desired to send forth the children of his soul unto the sons and daughters of lower man, that they might receive unto themselves the promise of every good thing and the hope of everlasting life in the kingdom of God.
34 Therefore, it was needful for God, even the Father and Mother of many spirits, to approach nigh unto the councils of Elohim, that together they might show forth unto Lords many and Gods many, the way whereby even all who will, might be made one with God upon the earth.
35 That by such wisdom as the children of men shall take unto themselves might they attain unto the greatest glory of all, even so shall the earth find both redemption and exaltation in the kingdom of God.
36 Thus was the way of righteousness established whereby all who are willing might be made one with the God of Heaven, and the earth upon which the spirit children of God are made to dwell shall be made one with the greater worlds which move round about the suns of Kolob.
37 And if the children of men will be made one with God by way of holiness, and if the earth upon which they are made to dwell shall be made one with the celestial worlds also, then shall both the earth and the children of men be made one with God; and together they shall ascend unto the highest Heaven.
38 Then shall the children of God inherit unto themselves forever, the earth upon which they dwell; for it shall be clothed in exceeding beauty, and peace and joy shall make rich the habitations of all the children of God who have taken unto themselves the fulfillment of every good thing.”
39 Now these are the words which the Lord spoke to the Teacher in the spring of the year, when the grass was green upon the hillsides and the snows were vanished away. And he commanded that he should write concerning them and send them forth unto all the children of men;
40 That they might possess unto themselves a sure knowledge of the ways of God, that they might not despair in the days of their sojourn upon the earth, being filled continually with the visions of eternity, having taken unto themselves an assurance of hope.
41 So the Teacher turned himself again unto the dwellings of men to teach them concerning the Father and Mother of Heaven, even God.
42 And there rose against him the teachers and preachers of religion. Yet for all their anger and persecution against him, he would not turn aside from the children of God, neither would he cease to proclaim God unto all the people.