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Chapter 22
Zostrianos seeks a meeting with Yeshua – From whence comes the need to worship? –
“Will you believe by the seeing of the eye only?” – Knowing yourself – Seeking the
wonder of hidden things – The law of kind cleaving unto kind – Beware the sophistry
of learned men – Zostrianos seeks to buy knowledge of the mysteries – Yeshua heals
a youth of lameness – Zostrianos becomes bitter and complains against Yeshua – Maximilla
and Prisca give a royal gift – Sidon petitions the Lord to come – In the house of
Callistus – The adoption of Jude
1 There was a man whose name was Zostrianos who was come from Athens, a philosopher of some renown which had many to follow after him.
2 And when he heard concerning Yeshua, how that he had performed many wonders and had taught many marvelous things, he was desirous to speak with him.
3 Now on a certain day was Zostrianos teaching in the market place, and as he taught there arose a great shout from the people; for Yeshua drew near and many, dropping all which they did, rushed forth to see him.
4 And Zostrianos, desiring to speak openly with him, called two of his followers and bid them go and bring the prophet unto him.
5 And passing through the crowd, they found the Lord in the midst of children, laughing and making merry.
6 And they spoke unto him, saying: “Sir, our master would bid you come unto him, for he would speak with you.”
7 So Yeshua went unto Zostrianos, and the Greek, when he saw him, spoke, saying: “Tell me truly whether or not you are a prophet which is come from God.”
8 And the Lord spoke unto him, saying: “How shall I answer; for if I say: I am come from God, will you believe?
9 And if I say: I am not come from God, then for what cause would you give heed unto me, seeing that I am become as other men?”
10 When the Greek heard this, he said: “Would you become as some philosopher instead? What are the gods anyway? Unto what shall we compare them?
11 For some proclaim aloud the glory of Zeus, and some the glory of Apollo, and still others would proclaim Ashtoreth of Phonecia above all the rest.
12 For this cause do the children of nations war constantly among themselves, that by their devotions unto that which is unseen, they might make supreme the gods of their youth.
13 Yet has it been rightly said that men of themselves create gods that they might worship them. Why then should not such gods worship men instead, seeing that man is the greater?”
14 Thus did Zostrianos jest with the Lord, and the Lord spoke unto him, saying: “Well have you spoken and you are not far from the truth.
15 Yet whence comes this need in man to worship? What power would compel that men should create gods which might make manifest the things that are hidden?”
16 And there answered the Lord a certain youth, saying: “My Lord, would not that soul which dwells within compel that men should do these things?”
17 But Zostrianos, being a skeptic, mocked the youth saying: “Foolish boy, would you bring forth the unseen to answer again the unseen?
18 What knowledge has any man of the soul? From whence does it come, and unto what place would it go when death has made ready the grave to receive us?
19 Come now and answer Galilean; if you are truly a prophet come from God, prove yourself before us.
20 For what man has seen God to converse with him? And who would know of a surety the coming and going forth of that thing which is unseen and undetermined?”
21 And Yeshua, when he heard these things looked round about him, and lifting his voice unto the people, he spoke, saying:
22 “Will you believe by the seeing of the eye only? Would you know a thing but by the touching of the hand?
23 I tell you truly that the wind goes wheresoever it wills and you cannot see it; and the path of the sparrow can no man discern by the seeing of the eyes alone.
24 Yet which of you would deny the moving of the wind which you see not, seeing that even the trees and the grass would dance before it?
25 Or again, which of you would deny the flight of the sparrow because, when it is gone, you see not its path in the airs above?
26 So it is with the soul of man; yet though it be unseen by the eye, still does it make itself known abroad.
27 For the things which are, even they do cast forth the likeness of their image; which when a man perceives, he knows that the unseen is near at hand.
28 For what tree standing in the light of the sun will not cast the shadow of its likeness upon the ground; and if it so be that you should see it, will you not know that the tree is near?
29 Even so will that which is unseen cast forth its shadow in the heart of man, that by your own perceiving you might know that which is come from God.
30 Therefore, if you would know the soul within, then seek you after God; for in him are revealed the mysteries and wonders which no man knoweth.
31 For what profit have you if you should know even all the world, but have no knowledge of the mystery within?
32 For I tell you truly, he who knows all things but knows not his own soul, even the same shall lack all things.
33 And why will you doubt the coming forth of God unto you? For it is given unto each that you might seek after the Father which dwells above, that perchance you might know him.
34 For there is a light which is come from your Heavenly Father, and even now does the light dwell in your heart, and without the light is nothing revealed which is hidden.
35 No one can see himself in water or in a mirror except there be some light given first. I am the light which is come from the Father that you might no more walk in darkness.
36 For the works which I do are become as a light which would reveal the shadow of hidden things, and the words which I speak are become as a mirror that you might behold the likeness of your own soul.
37 Therefore, fear not the seeking of hidden things, neither fear you the reproach of learned men, for they are become as waterless canals filled with emptiness only.
38 Whosoever has ears to hear let them hear and understand; for you know yourselves how that man consorts with man; horses consort with horses; oxen with oxen, and birds with birds.
39 For in the beginning was the law given that kind should cleave unto its own kind.
40 For this cause is it given that spirit should embrace spirit, wisdom shall cleave unto wisdom, and light seeks again the greater light.
41 But if you would seek the world only, then shall the world love you as its own.
42 And again, if you would know your own soul to seek the things of the spirit, then shall the Spirit above embrace you and surround you round about.
43 And if you would seek the wisdom of hidden things, then shall the Wisdom which is above descend upon you to reveal all things.
44 And if you would become as a light in the darkness, then shall the Light which is come from above make rich his abode with you.
45 Therefore, if you would liken yourself to the things which come from above, then shall the things above descend upon you to rest in you.
46 But if you would become as the world only, to seek the things which are beneath, then how shall that which dwelleth above find place in you, seeing that you have chosen the lesser portion?
47 Beware then the sophistry of learned men which deny the wisdom which is come from hidden things;
48 For they are become as the dog which lies in the food trough of oxen, for he does not eat, neither will he permit that the ox should eat either.
49 Surely are they become as the ass which turned a millstone in a circle all the day long and when it was evening, he had gone forth a hundred miles.
50 But when he was turned loose from the stone, he found that he was yet at the same place.
51 So it is with learned men which would deny the wisdom of hidden things, for they take many steps to go here or there, and when they are done they find themselves in the same place as before, having gone nowhere.
52 And when evening is come upon them, they saw in their journey neither city nor town, neither saw they field nor mountain, nor power nor angel; for they labor in vain which seek not the wisdom of hidden things.”
53 These then are the words which Yeshua spoke, and Zostrianos, seeing that the people would prefer the words of the Lord above his own, grew fearful lest they which were of his own following go seeking after the Nazarene.
54 And being filled with cunning speech, he spoke unto the Lord, saying: “My Lord, if you would be gracious unto me, then teach me also these mysteries, and I will pay you well.”
55 But the Lord rebuked him, saying: “What gain is there in seeking after Mammon only? Get you hence from me, for I will tell my mysteries to those which are worthy of my mysteries.”
56 And being filled with loathing against the people, Zostrianos spoke, saying: “What then! Will you teach those which are common the mystery of hidden things?
57 What hope have you for such as they, seeing that they are without any substance or learning? What good shall spring forth from such a rabble as this?”
58 But the Lord, placing his hand upon one which was lame from his youth, spoke unto the Greek, saying: “Have you not heard that the stone which the builders rejected is become the chief cornerstone?
59 For I will light in all men the candle of wisdom which no man shall put out, or make dark again.”
60 And the man which was lame was made whole in the very moment, and they which saw rejoiced and leaped for joy because of it.
61 But Zostrianos, when he beheld the wonder which the Lord did, drew back from him, being fearful and speaking unto himself, saying: “Surely this man is a sorcerer.”
62 And turning to leave, the Lord went again unto the children to bless them; and many followed after him from that day forth.
63 But Zostrianos grew bitter against the Lord and he went quickly unto the elders of the city to make some charge against him, yet would they not give heed, saying:
64 “Why are you made angry against this man? Behold how the people love him. Why, therefore, should we seize him and bring against the city the wrath of God?”
65 Now when he saw that none would give him heed, he wrote unto Vitellius to lay against the Lord an indictment.
66 Now Yeshua went again unto the house of Jakobis and there came unto him both Maximilla and Prisca, and kneeling before the Lord they laid at his feet a robe of purple made rich with borders of gold.
67 But Yeshua refused them gently, saying: “Truly do I know the goodness of your heart; and though I am a king, yet is my kingdom not of this world.”
68 And they answered him, saying: “What good thing shall we do that we might honor you, for we know that you are come from God?”
69 And he answered them, saying: “If you would honor me, then go into the market place, and whatsoever you shall receive for the robe, even that shall you give to the poor.”
70 Now there came on the morrow a messenger which was come from Sidon, saying:
71 “Good Master, come unto our city and bless us also. For we have heard concerning you.
72 Come, therefore, unto Sidon; and whatsoever you shall require, even that, shall my masters grant unto you.
73 Only come quickly and tarry not, for already is the ship at dock to receive you; and all Sidon waits the coming of the prophet which is come from Galilee of the nations.”
74 But Yeshua would not go by ship but traveled upon the highway going northward, both he and his disciples which were many.
75 And when he was come unto the town of Sarepta, he went in unto the house of Callistus; for the Lord heard how that his only son was sick and near unto death.
76 And straightway he went in unto the child and healed him, and the father, seeing this, wept for joy and falling at the Master’s feet he worshipped him, saying:
77 “Lord, whatsoever thing you shall ask of me, even that shall I give unto you.”
78 And the Lord seeing in the house a youth which was a slave, called unto him, saying: “Son, where is your father and your mother?”
79 And the youth answered him, saying: “My Lord, I have neither father nor mother to watch over me.”
80 When Yeshua heard this he spoke unto Callistus, saying: “It is not good that one man should possess another.
81 Therefore, strike the iron from off his neck and give him unto me, and I shall be to him as a father, and he shall be to me as a son.”
82 And when the youth was set at liberty before the Master, the Lord asked him, saying: “Son, what is your name?”
83 And the youth answered him, saying: “I am called Thaddeus Lebbaeus.” And the Lord said: “This day have I set you at liberty, that you might become as a son unto me.”
84 And from that day the Lord called him not Thaddeus but Jude instead.
85 And he followed faithfully after the Lord always, and Mary which was the sister of Martha and Lazarus, took the child unto her bosom that she might nurture him always.