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Pronunciation: kai-LEE-uh
Occurrences: 1
First Reference: 6th Endowment 10:2
Thus did they find upon the world of Kyleah both Ahman and Galendriel, seeking themselves to give both hope and confidence to the citizens of the Telestial Kingdom; sweeping aside such anxieties as did most deeply rise within the hearts of many since the coming of the Demiurge.
See: Telestial Kingdom
Summary: Kyleah is a world located in the Telestial Kingdom (6:10:2). During Heaven’s Second War against the Demiurge, Michael observed through the Tael how that both Mahaleenah and Azraella had retreated from the battle at Xanjipoorah, and seemed to be losing ground against Yaldabaoth and his forces. Worried that the Ahgendai needed assistance, Michael summoned Ahman and Galendriel, who were found on the planet of Kyleah giving comfort to the Telestial citizens that dwelt there (6:9:64-65; 6:10:1-2).
But there watched throughout the Tael, even Michael the Chief Archon of all the Elohim; and seeing first the retreat of Mahaleenah and then the withdrawal of Azraella, even he proved most dismayed; and reaching throughout the Tael he sent an urgent summons.
And in Olaha Shinehah the Father heard, even Ahman the Father of All, and through the Tael did he reach forth to touch the heart of Michael; and quickly did they confer among themselves concerning the things which they should do.
6th Endowment 9:64-65
In the fleeing away of the Ahgendai did Michael find deep despair, foreseeing in his mind a dark and troubling day when the Heavens might cease to be; and with his Beloved Sher-el did they together go seeking their Father and Mother, being hopeful in convening together the Council of Elohim in all its many quorums and houses.
Thus did they find upon the world of Kyleah both Ahman and Galendriel, seeking themselves to give both hope and confidence to the citizens of the Telestial Kingdom; sweeping aside such anxieties as did most deeply rise within the hearts of many since the coming of the Demiurge.
And seeing together both Father and Mother, Michael did petition to speak privately with them concerning such apprehensions as in him stirred because of the fleeing away of the Ahgendai before the darksome horde of Yaldabaoth with all his sons beside him.
6th Endowment 10:1-3